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Day Observation's

World Bee Day

World Bee Day 2021 is observed on  20th  May, 2021. The day creates awareness about the threats to pollinators like bees by human activities. In December 2017 UN approved this day and the First World Bee Day was celebrated on Sunday, 20 May 2018. The purpose of the bee day is to acknowledge the role of bees and other pollinators for the ecosystem. World Bee Day theme 2021 is “Bee engaged: Build Back Better for Bees”

World Metrology Day

Metrology is the scientific study of measurement. It establishes a common understanding of units, crucial in linking human activities. Modern metrology has its roots in the French Revolution's political motivation to standardise units in France, when a length standard taken from a natural source was proposed. This led to the creation of the decimal-based metric system in 1795, establishing a set of standards for other types of measurements.

Several other countries adopted the metric system between 1795 and 1875; to ensure conformity between the countries, the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) was established by the Metre Convention.

World Metrology Day is an annual celebration of the signature of the Metre Convention on 20 May 1875 by representatives of seventeen nations. The Convention set the framework for global collaboration in the science of measurement and in its industrial, commercial and societal applications. The original aim of the Metre Convention - the world-wide uniformity of measurement - remains as important today as it was in 1875. The theme for World Metrology Day 2021 is Measurement for Health.

This theme was chosen to create awareness of the important role measurement plays in health, and thus in the wellbeing of every one of us.

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